Friday, September 17, 2010


Vista de AMOEBA. La mejor tienda de discos ever.
San Francisco

-lp's, cd's y música en general

-libros de arte y de teoría del arte

-revista art forum
-desde 1993

-memorabilia familiar
-cámaras de plástico
-cámaras en general, vintage, viejas, polaroids
-bolígrafos, plumas y lapices de colores
-gomas de borrar
-bolsas de papel de tiendas, especialmente vinçon y urban outfitters

-bolsas de plástico de tiendas especiales
-papeles de regalo
-vintage y no vintage

-ropa vieja - mía y de mi familia

-caracoles y conchas de mar

-todas las cartas que me han escrito en la vida

-lentes de sol
-carteras y bolsos

-postales de fotos, lugares y arte

-fotos antiguas

-ganchos de pelo


-dientes y objetos dentales
-pelo -vestidos vintage
-vasos y copas
-cajas de fósforos -cerillas
-pinturas de uñas de colores

Friday, July 30, 2010

summer days

( photo to come)
lazy starts, making homemade blueberry marmalade and other delights, seeing friends, reading, yummie lunches, afternoon beach, netflix movies at night!!

Monday, May 10, 2010


I finally did a show with the Tableaux. They were ready, mature, since last year, but I wanted to show them all ( or almost all). I did. It looks good, it felt good. But now, its empty again, this feeling of having to start all over.
I question myself thinking of all those who went, what did they see, understand, feel, liked? disliked?
I guess I'll never know. Meanwhile, just beggining all over to produce a new body of work in a very dry and worried moment.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Aniversario # 5

Mi blog secreto tiene 5 años. Nació en Abril del 2005!!!

No he sido digamos consistente consistente... pero hacer algo por 5 años seguidos tiene su mérito.

Me encanta leer lo escrito, revisarlo como quien se encuentra con un diario viejo. Me encanta tener un pedacito de mi colgando por el espacio.

Me encanta encontrar-me en este blog.

Me hace sonreir, y darme una palmadita, aunque a ver si el próximo lustro logro aplicarme más.

Celebro mi cumple-blog con una foto tomada hace un mes en la famosa esquina Haight-Ashbury de San Francisco.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

case scenarios

1. we ask what will happen tomorrow
2.we force our destiny towards where we think we need to
3.we stay as we are, waiting every day for the next, no further actions taken
4.we live here thinking of being there
5.we live there thinking we are here
6.we don´t move
7.we plan, yet leaving open space for abrupt last minute-hour-year changes
8.we take actions, with no specific directions.

Tuesday, February 02, 2010

new year, second day, second month...

it seems like ages since i wrote here. have had so many things to say, but haven´t said them. its a whole new year ahead, brand new months comin´, already one has left, and I'm still in slow motion, as if time would wait for me, as if all the days are waiting for me to wake up.. no! they just come and go, and nothing waits for me to catch up... but here i am slowly, slowly...
i just have the feeling that each and every post i've written is about nothing else, actually, about nothing in concrete, but about time passing, me not being able to grasp it, me getting anxious about time passing, me worrying about my kids growing, about all that i did and did not do...

i can´t say i will do new things, or stop worrying about time, i can´t say that i will be super energetic and strong in the new coming months and posts, but i can say that i somewhat feel stronger and even in my weakest days, as today, i feel i can. i just can´t procrastinate anymore. that´s for sure.

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